Here at designstore, we make absolutely no apologies for saying that we love brochures.

With digital media seemingly taking over the world, there’s still nothing better than a well-designed piece of print on excellent quality stock with engaging copy and visually arresting imagery. It offers a sense of value to your customers that will always have an impact on them.

Engaging and compelling brochures act as an introduction to your company, much the same as your website’s Home page does. It’s designed to get people interested and to make them want to know what else there is… Following up after your prospects have received a stand-out piece of printed marketing material will make your job of closing the sale much easier.

Brochures & Printed Communications

A corporate brochure carries with it an air of credibility a .pdf on your website simply cannot emulate. The look, the tactility, the quality of the paper stock, engaging messaging and creative imagery has the power to ‘wow’ your audience and make a lasting impression on them.

Targeted Direct Mail

Blanket mailings to seemingly everyone in the world don’t work and never have. They devalue your business and speak to no-one. The key is to keep your lists small and value your prospects highly. Ensure that whoever reads your direct mail thinks that it was written specifically for them. We create effective and memorable direct mail campaigns designed to elicit a positive response to whatever you’re asking of your prospects.

Exhibition & Promotional Material

Dependent on the nature of your business, trade shows and exhibitions may well play an important part in your marketing strategy and it’s vital that your stand, graphics and assorted promo material are highly visible in a sea of similar businesses and that we communicate your key messages clearly and strongly. Remember, you’re there to sell!

Print Production

Sourcing your own print is a time-consuming and confusing minefield for most people. We fully understand the process and we have long-term and trusted working relationships with a roster of printers. We closely manage the process from start to finish ensuring our designs for your brand are printed on time, cost-effectively and to the highest standard.


Photography and illustration is an intrinsic part of the storytelling process. If your project demands a creative photo shoot (of property, staff, food and anything else you want to portray), we are on-site to art direct and work closely with your (or our) photographer to create powerful imagery that works perfectly with the design concept. If budgets are limited, we are just as happy sourcing images from stock photo libraries. The options are yours.


Communicating your brand messages in words is as important as the visual appeal of your printed material. We can create company names and memorable straplines as well as writing engaging, compelling and benefit-led copy that speaks directly to the very people looking for your products or services for all online and offline media. In addition, we can provide translation services for communication in foreign markets.